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APD Ticket Guide

From Olympus Entertainment Dev Wiki


  • The listed ticket prices below are mandatory for Deputies, you may not deviate from the current listed amounts unless given approval from a higher up.
  • Depending on the suspect and the roleplay, Patrol Officers may deviate a ticket up to a range of 50% when no higher ups are available while Corporals have the ability to discount tickets at their discretion.
  • Two chances for a suspect to pay a ticket is required, while a third chance to pay may be given as a courtesy. You should not exceed three chances to pay.
  • Suspects MUST be sent to jail if they fail to pay their tickets or have an escaping jail charge (No ticket to be given).
  • Suspects MAY be sent straight to jail for charges of hostage situation, charges of kidnapping a Gov't Official, 15 or more manslaughters.
  • All crimes involving a weapon may result in the weapon being seized. The highest ranking officer involved in the situation decides whether a weapon will not be seized.
  • Verbal Warnings are given as a courtesy
  • Patrol Officers and higher have the ability to add charges. Proper judgement should be used when adding charges.
  • Keep in mind that when a charge warrants the seizure of a license it does not mean you have to seize the license at the time of processing.

Abbreviations as listed in Wanted+ Menu

SW SV VW LEO VL # Gov't Ilg. Pharm. Veh. Pos. (*)
Seize Weapon Seize Vehicle Verbal Warning Law Enforcement Officer Seize Vigi License Lower Vigi Tier Government Illegal Pharmaceutical Vehicle Possession Automatic Charge

Ticket Guide

Aviation Laws First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples
Flying w/o a Pilot License $10,500 + Impound $10,500 + Impound Jail Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is flying a legal vehicle without a pilot's license.
Flying w/o Collision Lights $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 + Impound Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is flying without collision lights.
Flying/Hovering below 150m Warning Shots + Text $15,000 $15,000 + Impound Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is flying below 150m within city limits.
Illegal Aerial Vehicle Landing $48,750 + VW $48,750 + Impound Impound + Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is landing within 300 meters of city DMV. Suspects are subject to a search, alongside its crew.
Criminal Offenses First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples
Assault* $500 $500 $500 Does not warrant probable cause. Added when a civilian kicks another person in the balls using Shift + T.
Attempted Auto Theft * # $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian fails to lockpick a vehicle and it breaks.
Attempted Manslaughter VL $26,250 + SW $26,250 + SW $26,250 + SW Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect shot and failed to kill another person.
Attempted Robbery VL $8,000 + SW $8,000 + SW $8,000 + SW Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect started but did not complete a gas station robbery or a robbery of a person.
Attempted Vehicle Theft # $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect started to break into a vehicle but did not succeed in doing so.
Destruction of property $63,750 $63,750 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is blowing up buildings or vehicles in some form or fashion.
Disobeying an Officer Verbal Warning $8,000 Jail Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect disobeys an officer's order. Common sense should be used when giving civilians orders.
Disturbing the Peace Verbal Warning $1,125 $1,125 Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is disturbing the peace with excessive noise in any form or fashion.
Drug Possession * # $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian is searched and is found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia.
Drug Trafficking * # $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian has sold drugs at a drug dealer and an APD Officer interrogates the drug dealer.
Entering a Police Area Verbal Warning $6,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is entering a police controlled area such as an HQ or a manned checkpoint.
Entering an illegal area $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is found entering, within, or leaving an illegal area and loitering without due cause.
Escaping Jail * VL Jail Jail Jail Warrants probable cause. Added when inmates escape jail while the jail door is broken. Suspects found with the charge will be sent to jail.
Gang Homicide * VL $15,000 + SW $15,000 + SW $15,000 + SW Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian kills another civilian whom they are in a gang war with.
Gas Station Robbery * VL $18,750 + SW $18,750 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian successfully completes a gas station robbery.
Grand Theft Auto * # $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian successfully breaks into a vehicle.
Hostage Situation VL $86,500 + Jail $86,500 + Jail Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect helps/takes a civilian hostage to negotiate with APD or takes a cop hostage.
Insurance Fraud Verbal Warning $1,500 Jail Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect runs in front of vehicles on purpose or other means of abuse. Roleplay this!
Attempted Kidnapping VL $35,000 + SW $35,000 + SW Jail Warrants Probable Cause. Add if a civilian has attempted to take an APD officer hostage.
Kidnapping * VL $11,250 + SW $11,250 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian whom is not a vigilante restrains another civilian.
Kidnapping Government Official * VL $92,750 + SW/Jail $92,750 + SW/Jail Jail Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian restrains a cop or a medic.
LEO Manslaughter * VL $37,500 + SW $37,500 + SW $37,500 + SW Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian kills a cop.
Manslaughter * VL $30,000 + SW $30,000 + SW $30,000 + SW Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian kills another civilian or medic.
Misuse of Emergency System $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect misuses the dispatch system. Only be added once per suspect. Engagement doesn't count.
Obstruction of Justice VL $15,750 + SW $15,750 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect attempts to stop the arrest of another suspect in any form or fashion.
Organ Harvesting * # $11,250 $11,250 $11,250 Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian takes the kidney of another player.
Party to a Crime # $15,000 $15,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is helping another civilian commit a crime but is not the primary offender of said crime.
Possession of APD Equipment VL $25,500 $25,500 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is in possession of any APD tool (this includes vehicles and gear), or interacts with the inventory of the APD Escort Event Vehicle.
Possession of Illegal Equipment VL $15,000 $15,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is found with illegal clothes, or equipment. If illegal weapon then add pos. of illegal weapon
Possession of Contraband * VL $31,500 $31,500 $31,500 Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian is searched and any form of illegal contraband is found on their person.
Possession of Explosive Items VL $30,000 + SW $30,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is in possession of any form of explosive ordinace. This includes grenades, titans, etc.
Possession of Illegal Organ * VL $22,500 $22,500 $22,500 Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian is searched and a kidney is found is on their person.
Public Urination Verbal Warning $2,500 $2,500 Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a civilian is found to be urinating in public.
Resisting Arrest # $16,500 $16,500 $16,500 Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect resists/flees APD capture in any form or fashion. Common sense should be used when adding.
Robbery * VL $30,000 + SW $30,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian robs another civilian of their money or gear.
Terrorist Acts VL $93,750 + SW $93,750 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is involved in a terror attack. RP is encourged for other means of addition as well.
Titan Hit * VL $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Warrants probable cause. Added when a civilian lands a titan hit.
Usage of Drugs in Public # $10,000 $10,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is using drugs in an open area availale to the public.
Vehicle Theft # $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect has stolen a vehicle and has utilized it as a means of transportation at some point.
Vehicular Manslaughter * VL $35,000 + SW $35,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian kills another person from inside a vehicle.
Verbal Insults Verbal Warning $3,000 Jail Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is insulting another civilian, medic, or a cop.
Verbal Threats # Verbal Warning $8,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is threatening another civilian, medic, or a cop.
Federal Offenses First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples
Aiding in Bank Robbery VL $81,250 + SW $81,250 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in a Bank robbery and the bomb blew.
Aiding in Blackwater Robbery VL $112,500 + SW $112,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in a Blackwater robbery and the bomb blew.
Aiding in Evidence Lockup Robbery VL $112,500 + SW $112,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the hacking of the Evidence Lockup and the hack was successful.
Aiding in Jail Break VL $86,000 + SW $86,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in a Federal Penitentiary and the door was destroyed.
Aiding in Pharmaceutical Robbery VL $40,000 + SW $40,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in a Pharmaceutical robbery and the truck spawned.
Aiding in Reserve Robbery VL $112,500 + SW $112,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in a Federal Reserve robbery and the bomb blew.
Attempted Bank Robbery VL $32,500 + SW $32,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of a Bank robbery but was stopped early.
Attempted BW Robbery VL $82,500 + SW $82,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of a Blackwater robbery but the bomb was defused.
Attempted Evidence Lockup Robbery VL $82,500 + SW $82,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of an Evidence Lockup but the hack was stopped.
Attempted Jail Break VL $63,750 + SW $63,750 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of a Federal Penitentiary but the bomb was defused.
Attempted Reserve Robbery VL $82,500 + SW $82,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of a Federal Reserve robbery but was stopped early.
Destruction of Government Property * VL $63,750 $63,750 Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian plants a blasting charge at any government facility.
Government Cyber Attack * VL $30,000 $30,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian utilizes a hacking terminal to corrupt any government facility's Anti-Air system.
Improper Handling of Hazardous Materials charge VL $50,000 $50,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian is found to have distributed radioactive materials to another person.
Grand Larceny * VL $75,000 $75,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian has taken part in the robbery of the Art Gallery or add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of an Art Gallery.
Traffic Offenses First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples
Avoiding a Checkpoint $30,000 + Impound $30,000 + Impound Impound + Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect evades a checkpoint by driving or walking around it.
Driving w/o License $6,250 + Impound $6,250 + Impound Impound + Jail Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is driving a legal vehicle without a driver's license.
Driving w/o Lights $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 + Impound Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is driving a vehicle without using headlights during the night.
Hit and Run * $5,000 $5,000 Impound + Jail Does not warrant probable cause. Added automatically after a player has been run over by another player. Add if a suspect runs into a vehicle or civilian with their vehicle and then flees the scene immediately.
Obstruction of Traffic Verbal Warning $4,625 $4,625 + Impound Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect uses a vehicle to block a roadway therefore blocking traffic.
Operating an Illegal Vehicle VL $31,500 + SV $31,500 + SV SV + Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is operating an illegal vehicle by driving, flying, or gunning.
Reckless Driving $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 + Impound Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is driving a car in a manner that endangers the public or themselves.
Speeding $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 + Impound Does not warrant probable cause. Add if a suspect is driving a vehicle too fast in respect to their current location. Every additional 10km over the speedlimit warrants an additional charge.
Firearm Offenses First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples
Possession of an Illegal Weapon VL $12,000 + SW $12,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is searched and found to be in possession of an illegal firearm. (any weapon with an illegal attachment becomes an illegal weapon)
Possession of Firearms w/o License VL $11,000 + SW $11,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is in possesstion of a legal firearm without a firearm's license.
Unlawful Taser Usage VL $30,000 + SW $30,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is incorrectly using a taser to tase another civilian for bad intentions, a medic, or a cop.
Use of firearms within city $5,000 + SW $5,000 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is discharging a weapon within city limits (300 meters of DMV)
Weapon Trafficking VL $15,125 + SW $15,125 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is searched and found to be in possession of three or more firearms or explosives.