Public Service Announcements
These are PSA's for the R&R.
Weekend Airdrops PSA (R&R)
Dopecrates should not be dropped before a Weekend Airdrop begins. They start at 9:00 pm EST, 8:00 pm CST, 6:00 pm PST. So do not drop the crate in the warzone if it is an hour before the airdrop. After the airdrop is over you can resume as normal.
R&R Internal Affairs Submissions (R&R)
Going forward disputes must be made with medics before submitting an IA against them. This gives the medic the opportunity to right a wrong they may have committed and reduce petty IAs. IAs that do not have disputes will be denied. Disputes can be made even if the medic logs off so please take the time and make the dispute before submitting the IA. Thank you :)
R&R Handbook Update 12/13/2023 (R&R)
It has come to our attention that once again, some things need to be clarified.
Returning to Situations:
- When returning to any situation outside of the wide variety of Federal Events (Federal Reserve, Altis Penitentiary, Blackwater Weapons Factory, or the Evidence Lockup) and the APD Escort Event (must return with lights on to the event). You must be returning either Code 3 (lights and sirens) or verbally initiating. When doing so, you must announce yourself as APD anytime you are verbally engaging. Code 3 must be turned on at a reasonable distance when returning to the situation, meaning you can't tap Code 3 the second you are about to jump out of the vehicle.
Chapter III - Illegal Zones
Forms of acceptable engagement within Illegal areas
4. Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged. However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below:
Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, Rebels, Radioactive Space Capsule, active Federal Events (Jailbreak/Federal Reserve Robbery/Blackwater Robbery/Evidence Locker), Active Banks, Active Blue Zones and Airdrops. Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned. Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at these locations are all considered ground units Special circumstances
5. Airdrop: Medics must not enter, or loiter around, the Airdrop while active unless they are assisting the APD or being held hostage by civilians.
14. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest, gang base skirmish, Active Turfs events. If you are in the area of a conquest event when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY
Also, Medics can now use any in-game name they chose (within reason) but your TeamSpeak name must be your Chain of Command Name.
R&R Handbook Update 9/26/2023 (R&R)
Chapter III - Illegal Zones Illegal areas include
Rebel Outposts Active Jailbreaks/Federal Reserve Robberies/Blackwater Robberies/Evidence Locker/Active Bank Robberies/ Active Art Gallery Robberies Illegal gathering and processing areas Active Blue Zones Drug Dealers Black Markets Cartels (Within 1 km of the cartel's cap point) War Zone (Large landmass labeled as War Zone) Gang Base Active Turfs Radioactive Space Capsule Forms of acceptable engagement within illegal areas
4. Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged. However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below:
Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, Rebels, Radioactive Space Capsule, active Federal Events (Jailbreak/Federal Reserve Robbery/Blackwater Robbery/Evidence Locker), Active Banks and Active Blue Zones. Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned. Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at these locations are all considered ground units Special Circumstances
13. All Medic units (Meaning BOTH ground and aerial units) are prohibited to enter/participate at ALL conquest, gang base skirmish, Active Turfs or airdrop events. If you are in the area of a conquest, air drop event or Turf when it starts, leave the area IMMEDIATELY
Chapter IV - Equipment
Medical Crates
2. Medical Crates shall not be knowingly delivered to, or near, the following locations:
Altis Penitentiary Zone Federal Reserve Zone Blackwater Armory Zone Evidence Locker Zone Bank Conquest Event/Airdrop/Active Gang Base skirmish/Active Turf/Radioactive Space Capsule Active Blue Zones Any illegal zone (defined in Chapter 3.2) that is being raided by the APD Chapter VII - Firefighting
Firefighting is available once you reach Basic Paramedic. Medics responding to fires are not exempt from the R&R Handbook. Prioritize revives over fires. Exception: If you're already on the way to a fire, you can continue. Firefighting vehicles may only be used when responding to a fire. Exception: The Taru Fuel can be flown without there being a fire. Exception: Active Pararescue+ may use the vehicles at anytime. Medics must store firefighter gear after the fire has been put out. A maximum of three medics may respond to a singular fire at a time.
R&R Handbook Update 2/18/2023 (R&R)
Chapter XIII - Communications
All Medics will be in the appropriately designated TeamSpeak channels while on duty. Senior R&R Members are not required to be in their duty channel. All Olympus Staff (Owner and Head Admin exempt) are required to be in their duty channel but may be alone in a Medic Team Channel. Senior medics reserve the right to delegate lower-ranking medics to any medic TeamSpeak channel that they see fit. This may be necessary if a senior finds that the communications between medics are overlapping or non-existent. Medics may freely use the on-duty channel and medic team channels. No need to be in a group of 2 or more to use the channel. Medics may only enter an APD channel if specifically requested by an APD member. Medics may remain in the APD channel until the situation has been resolved. Medics who are currently employed by the R&R are permitted to use the R&R Break Room whenever they so choose.
Minor R&R Handbook Update 2/4/2023 (R&R)
Chapter IV - Equipment
2. Uniforms
Medics can wear any uniform they have unlocked in their clothing shop.
Exception: Basic Paramedic+ can not wear the EMT uniform. Exception: Supervisor+ can wear any uniform available to them.
R&R Handbook Update 9/21/2022 (R&R)
Chapter IV - Equipment
1. Items and Physical Equipment
6. Road Kit
1. The Road Kit should not be used excessively.
2. Road Kits cannot be used while aiding the APD or while a hostage for Civilians.
R&R Handbook Update 7/17/2022 (R&R)
Chapter I - Professional Standards
1. Conduct
9. Medics shall not quote rules while on duty.
Exception: Medics may quote the R&R Handbook when necessary.
Chapter IV - Equipment
2. Uniforms
1. Medics can wear any uniform they have unlocked in their shop.
Exception: Basic Paramedic+ can not use the EMT uniform.
Chapter VII - Medical Interaction
1. Medics do not need permission to administer aid to players
1. Players can still deny themselves medical aid (Full Heal) in which the medic must obey.
Exception: Medics must value their life if threatened to give medical aid.
R&R Handbook Update 7/4/2022 (R&R)
Chapter VIII - Hostage Situations
5. Medics may be held hostage for up to 15-30 minutes before they can request to be set free. [See clarification at 5.3 for federal events]
3. Federal events: Medics taken hostage and utilized for a Federal Event (See Server Rules Chapter 18 regarding definition of Federal Events) should remain hostage for 30 minutes unless the medic has escaped, the medic is killed, 30 minutes has elapsed, or until the bomb detonates or has been defused. Whichever situation occurs first.